Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Read, Think, Pray, Live

Today I have been inspired by a sort of new way of how to approach reading the Bible. I was reading through the introduction of the Message Remix Bible and learned about something called lectio divina. The basis of it is that you read scripture, think or meditate on it, pray about it, and then take action because of it.

I know that it doesn't sound like anything new, but it made me think about how my scripture reading approach has been lately. I think that I have read it so much that I don't give it quite as much time as I used to. I always seem to be powering through scripture like a champ, but I don't slow down and stop to listen for God's still small voice. I think I used to contemplate scripture a lot more when it was more unfamiliar. Now I always seem to have an answer or explanation for each written word, so I just plow forward looking for something new. What I really need to do is chew on it for a while and focus on the little.

I am currently brainstorming how I will plan to use this in the Frontline Bible Study. I really have a desire to see our youth kids grasp God's Word and start thirsting for more. I just know that I am not capable right now of putting together deep weekly encounters with the Scripture like I want to. So the sudden God inspired answer to this problem is to slow down and dissect the scriptures instead of plowing through them.

Please comment if anyone reads this. I would like to know what others think.


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