Thursday, October 19, 2006

Getting Better I hope....

I was feeling quite better yesterday evening although tired. This morning I woke up feeling very rested, but my throat was a mess. My throat gets so swollen sometimes that I can gag myself. I stopped and picked up some more Tylenol Cold on the way to work and another pack of Hall's Defense. For some reason those things help my throat a lot when it feels like this. It has gotten much better so far today. Hopefully if I keep the medicine goin, things will get better. Aside from that, I feel pretty good and motivated to get things done. I am looking forward to a weekend of getting a lot of things accomplished. So I have to make sure that I am not sick.

Other than that, it has been a pretty typical day. Just trying to get by for now so that I can enjoy the weekend. Well, back to web surfing on my lunch hour.


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