Thursday, October 19, 2006

Title Change - Did you notice??

I decided to change my BLOG title to something a little more interesting than Chris' BLOG. Gratifying Chaos is a pretty good explanation of my life. Although things in my life can be very chaotic and sometimes feel like it is spinning uncontrolled, it can be very gratifying to see my children grow and learn new things. Or to see one of our Youth kids get excited about spiritual things as they begin to truly understand the mysteries of God.

You may hear me vent about my business here a lot and how nice it would be if my children didn't take up so much time. Yes it would be nice, but when it comes down to it, I love it. I wouldn't trade any of them. I may threaten to on occasion, but don't believe me. Its all worth it when they smile at me and tell me that they love me. I have been blessed with my family and I want to enjoy it for the time that I have with them.

A funny story about Ephriam - As an example of things that happen that bring me great joy and laughter with my children. Last night, somehow my son who is following in his father's footsteps in his desire to be naked, managed to take off his diaper. The amazing part about it is that he was fully clothed at the time and was wearing overalls. It was his first time going commando and he is not even 2 years old yet.

Pure entertainment I tell ya. It never stops and there are so many more moments to come. Life is short so enjoy the time you have with your loved ones.


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