Monday, October 16, 2006

Weekends are never enough.

What a blast of a weekend I had. Don't worry Faith, I am not going to just talk about Youth Ministry. My biggest project recently has been my basement. I have been working off and on trying to get it straightened up and reoganized. I actually got quite a bit done with that this weekend and I am preparing to go to wireless Internet next weekend. Faith needs more flexibility to stay plugged into the Internet so the wireless will allow her to access from anywhere in the house. I am also trying to clean up a lot of the clutter, so I am converting all of my CD's to digital format. That is going to take a long time to do because we have like 500 CD's, but I have made small dent.

Saturday the whole family went out to Shaw's Pumpkin Farm with Matt, Angie, and Victoria. We got to pick out some pumpkins and we went through a Corn Maze. It was a lot of fun. We also went and had Cider Pops at the Apple Orchard place that I can't remember the name of. Its Router's or something like that. That was a lot of fun too. It was very enjoyable spending time with everyone and actually getting to visit with some friends.

Sunday we did the church thing and then worked on Youth Ministry for the rest of the day. I did have to do some yard work too in the middle there. But we spent the day with my brother Mark and we got quite a few things accomplished. We are getting geared up for the rest of 2006. It should be a lot of fun.

So there is your weekend update.


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