Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is your Brain on Youth Ministry

Ok, ok ok. Yes, I have been a little hyped about Youth Ministry lately. I can't help that my enthusiasm runs wild when I get to thinking about how we can come up with cool things to do in order to reach students for Christ. So today, I am going to attempt to post about things other than youth ministry starting.....

Ok, so yes my growing family and I had a nice visit this weekend with the Herstich Family. It was our first time meeting Xander and a while since we have seen them all together. They live up in the Akron/Cleveland area, so we do not get to visit with them very much. I am hoping that we get to go visit them once K.C. gets bigger and is ready to go on road trips.

Today I will sign my life away again as we purchase the dreaded Minivaaaaahhh....er....urban assault vehicle. Surprisingly we had a hard time finding a local dealership with much in stock that we were looking for. We ended up getting our local Chevy Dealer to get one from another Chevy dealer so that we could purchase it at the local place. It makes it a lot easier if we have to bring it in for maintenance and repairs. So we will be trading in the little red Cavalier. The 2 Door Coup wasn't gonna get the job done with 2 carseats. Honestly, I am not looking forward to another car payment, but we gotta do what we gotta do and I can't afford to buy a cool Suburban or Tahoe. The good side of things is that I get to drive the Vibe all of the time now. The Vibe is a nice little ride with good tunes and a sun roof. I will gain power locks and windows as well as cruise control.

So, despite giving in and buying the affordable urban assault vehicle, it looks to be a pretty good week so far. Work has been laid back today so I have had time to blog with little interruption. Now I am off to do some web surfing and maybe I will find something cool to share with you all.


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