Friday, November 03, 2006

Ack I missed a couple of days.

Ok, so Wednesday, Faith had surgery to remove her kidney stone. I worked from home for the day, but my break time was all used to help keep up with the kids and take care of Faith. Yesterday she spent a lot of time resting as she recovers. It is very painful what they do to you to remove kidney stones. I hope that I never have to do that. Anyways, I feel like I have been busting my butt a lot lately between regular work and stuff at home.

Last night I picked up dinner, cleaned up dinner, protected Faith from Ephriam's atomic splash hugs on the couch, did laundry, comforted K.C. when she had gas, took a shower, and made a quick trip to Meijer. That is a lot for an evening. Somewhere in there I checked email and ripped a few cd's as well.

So life is busy as usual. Tomorrow, I get the day off from the kids because my mom and I are making our annual Christmas shopping trip. It is always a good time for us to get together and we go to the Outlet Malls up towards Columbus. We don't get there very often so its cool to go to the different stores. I also get to start listening to Christmas music officially.

Ok, so that is today's update.


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