Friday, April 13, 2007

Trying Something New.

I know that not many people frequent my blog. It is probably because it is just not very interesting and if you know about it, I probably already talked to you about what I am blogging about. So why would you want to read it again after we have already discussed it? Exactly.

Ok, so I want to try something a little bit different. As a Christian with a very busy life involving family, work, and ministry, I struggle with making time to devote to prayer and bible study as I once used to. Some people get up earlier in the morning to do this. If you know me, my alarm goes off at 5 AM and I get out of bed at about 20 till 6. Getting up earlier is not an option and my brain doesn't really turn on until about 7 AM. That is a lot earlier than it used to turn on though. Early morning just does not work for me when I am going into work. If I try it at night I end up staying up much later than normal and I have a harder time waking up at 5 AM. Many times I just fall asleep praying which to me is not quality time with God and its like I am squeezing Him into my day instead of giving Him priority.

So I typically can find time on my lunch hour at work or when things are really slow I can read and study. It is hard sometimes to do that there without distractions.

On top of my personal time, I feel the need to pour out and share with my family and more specifically my youth leadership team. We all have busy schedules and are unable to have a Bible Study outside of Youth Group. I want to do something deeper than what we do with the teens because we need more to chew on.

So, my new idea is that I will use my blog here to basically post up devotionals that I do and share God's word with whoever chooses to visit here. I don't claim to be any great theologian or master of Biblical Studies, but I do have a desire to share what I take from it and I hope that it encourages and inspires you.

So this will be my pulpit on top of my regular postings. You can take it or leave it. At the very least, it will guide me in my personal studies and give me an outlet to share the things that God is teaching me.

Look for the first posting in the very near future.


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