Tuesday, April 03, 2007


This week will be very different for me and Ephriam. Faith and K.C. are in Florida for the week. We all drove down to TN to see Faith's family and her, K.C., and her mom flew out on Sat. morning. Ephriam and I spent the rest of the weekend with Faith's dad. Ephriam and I then drove back home on Sunday so that I could go back to work.

So this week, Ephriam gets to spend the day with grandpa all day until I pick him up after work. I think that he knows that his mommy is gone, but he doesn't say anything or react to it. He stays pretty well entertained so he doesn't think about it all of the time. He has been a very good boy so far, even on the drive home. We have one more trip by ourselves to pick Faith up and then the car rides will be much better again.

I miss them both a lot, but my one big bonus for the week is that I have more free time after Ephriam goes to bed at 8 PM. I don't have to feed and chase after K.C. so I am getting a lot done around the house. Yesterday, I cut the grass, cleaned up the kitchen, and folded laundry. I still have a lot more to do, but I have 3 more nights to do it all. I am hoping to have the house caught up before we leave on Friday.

So that ends my posting drought. If we stay not busy at work, I will probably post more later.


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