Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mr. Mom

Yes it has been a week since I last blogged. My wife reminded me last night because she may be the only person that actually reads my blog. I don't believe that I have ever received a comment for anything I put out here.

Anywhoo, I have been a little busier than usualy since last Wed. Faith went back to work on Wed night and I get to watch the kids all night and drop them off at the sitter's before I go to work in the morning. K.C. still eats every few hours, so that means I get to wake up in the middle of the night to feed her. The first night I got 3 hours of sleep. Not really enough to function at full capacity. The second night I got 4 hours. Thats a little better.

We are getting our routine down now so I should have her trained to sleep through the night in a few more weeks. But hopefully you will continue to see updated Blogs from me if you actually read them. I may have to get a counter put up here so that I can see how many people actually read what I put up here.


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