Tuesday, December 05, 2006

50 Posts and nobody cares!!!!!!!

I did not realize today that my last post was my 50th post on my BLOG that I am still convinced is only read by a very few people. I have even thought about anonymously commenting to my own BLOG just so that it looks like people read it.

Actually I have gone one step further to prove that nobody reads this BLOG. I am currently tracking how often this page is accessed with Google Analytics. So far after 1 weekend it has been accessed from my home and my work and 1 other person on a Fuse account. I am assuming that was my brother Mark. He only checks because he wants to know what his prize is. I am still trying to come up with an appropriate prize.

So I don't really have anything special to share to mark the crossing of the 50 posts mark. But I think that I will change the name of my BLOG again. Its not like anyone will notice anyways.


fidelia33 said...

I read your blog so I hope that I am someone who cares. Sometimes it really keeps me in touch with you. Anyways I am looking forward to tonight. Love ya!

cdwalker247 said...

Yeah someone really does care!!!! LOL!!! My site statistics should reflect your accessing the site.